8 Ekim 2019 Salı

Esma Kılıçlar Şahin-Mehmet Akif Ersoy Primary School

Alphabet number code

Breaking code challenge

About us

About the project

Codeweek is a great opporunity to combine English study with coding. We aim to prove that English teaching can be done in conjunction with encourging students to work with code so that they inculculate aspects of the 21st century skills. English teachers play a fundamental role in giving to all learners the opportunity to become creator of technology rather than merely consumers, because English is an international language of coding. We intend to developed our listening, reading, writing and comprehension skills by writing code lines, because the wealth of the tutorial videos and instructions for coding practices are in English. The project’s aim is to show teachers how to effectively integrate coding and computational thinking in their foreign language curriculum. Teachers will create the activities that coincide with the topic they teach. At the end of the Project we are going to prepare an activity book for young English learners who wants to learn both English and coding.


Pedagogical Objectives of the project are:
• Encourage students to use English language while coding
• Develop students’ listening, reading, writing and comprehension skills
• Enhance students’ understanding and knowledge of English by developing coding and ICT skills